以下是柏克萊線上學習的網站http://learn.berkeley.edu/你可以參考看看其中有一個program叫作certificate programs應該比較趨向你要的吧以下是網站上對該program的概述.Certificate ProgramsCertificate programs focus study in a particular subject area
enabling students to acquire the needed skills
analytical tools
and resources to achieve intellectual mastery and/or technical expertise in the subject. The courses in the certificate curricula build from core competencies to advanced levels
balancing theory and practice as appropriate to the discipline. Some certificate programs are designed primarily to enhance the skills of practicing professionals
while others are tailored for students who are new to the field or a particular aspect of it. Certificate programs require a minimum of 210 hours of coursework
generally 7 to 10 required and elective courses. Students may take one or two courses in a program prior to applying to the certificate program. Prerequisites vary by program. There is a $75 nonrefundable application fee. Accounting Alcohol